miércoles, 2 de julio de 2008

my english blogging experience

How i said at the beginning....it was a difficult experience......because....i don't express well for the writing....but with the time and practice I have noticed a great advance in my form of written expression....

Is great to learn try to say what you want or what's your opinion about something....so you can write some number of words....but isnt the objected in this case...once time ago i try to have other blog...but in my original language...but it wasn't work...cause...i only writted to text.....and no more....in time like these....i can say that one blog can be useful.....is a good excercise not only to learn another language but as a form of free expression.......and the creativity.....is the key for the success......

So as well so many time it was difficult to start one text....but when you can break the first words....the other sentences appear from them self.....is strange for me that in this moment i'm writing for something and more if it is in english.....jajajajjaa

In this same case mmmm I am trying to extend the text to expire with 300 words ...

the other important thing is that with the blog you can meet yours partners....so what they thing about one specific topic....or what are there preference or opinions.....so this kind of comunication i thing that is a good strategy for practice....meet.....and create a new form to learn english.....

it was a surprise to know that the lab class was like that and no the other boring kinfs of...in where you are listening the same voice...and answer questions.....in front of the computer....here you can write listening music...in your home....or wherever you want...this freedom made this class very nice...and only depends of you.....and how much you want to do for increase your skill....and hor responsable are you.....so i think that

In fact....i can say i made a blog....and i can use it when i want....it doesn't end here...... seee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

martes, 1 de julio de 2008


nice page...jeje...i'm played a lot....and iy's is very fun.....i always say that the only way to learn something is practice a lot....so in this page the only objected is practice....english.....
but the way to get it is fun.....and didactics....so you can watch this page.....http://www.bc.co.uk
But it's not only games in there....for example...the news....every day you can read one..and listen to....is very nice to learn for this way inclusive....at the end of the new......you can see one vocabulary in where is easy to understand what you can't read before....other thing included...are the quizzes and i played crossword...but i notice that is very hard to know every word in.....but y tryed....so you can learn when you fall.......jajjaja.....fine.....so with practice i can won in the only topic that y kwon a lot....of course music....jajajj
the football quiz i enjoyed a lot....and play again and again.....ajajjaja.....
i recommend this web site for each person that are interesting in the english language.....bye see ya

miércoles, 18 de junio de 2008

i'm not a good reading

recognize that I'm not a good reading...i prefer to make thing that sit and read or sit in front of my PC.....I'm a nomad guy....i don't like to stay in one place so much time....in my memory i remember some book the lord of rings...and i like this cause....is incredible to think how the writer TOLKIEN can image one world....totally different....full of magic...diferents caracters....elfos...hobbits...ents....wizards....humans....mounsters...badness...and hope......and how the human or the power representated by ONE RING can use their selfish to manipulate...our minds...and try to destroy everything.......so one beatiful place..one armonic live...can be disapear....

so why i like it???? cause the power of imagination can be translate you to other level....and feel that inclusive is impossible can live in your mind.....the power of our minds...can do anything...can save the world....can believe in love.........he can built a new world...and a good history.....the phrase that more remember is how the little person in this case a hobbit can change the future....i think the same each one of us....have the power to built own life and change the way...every day.....

i read this book in summer of 2004.....and i try to finish in a short time...how i said...i don't like to stay calm..or.....sitting....

martes, 3 de junio de 2008

The movie

When i saw the movie, it was a great moment, that makes em think a lot, and the expression and contets.
the first thing that call my atention was the community, and how one industry or kind of work, can to join people, and to create a small city, in where every person know his neighbourhood and neighbors, and the relations betwen them are very calmed and natural, theres no exist traffic troubles, the people have to walk around to get the work and the services are in intime relation with the number of people.
exeryone knows each other, and one thing unites to the men....the band.....that topic is very important in the developed of the movie....the music....is the conductive thread.....one day or the week the most of industrials workers join to playing music.......and in this moment all of them family, money or personal troubles are forgotten....for a while....
is necesary to explain that the company of the coal where they all work this one to a step of failing, rather of that to expire. And it is like that as the whole history a village, through the fault of some few ones that are in the control and the only thing that they want it is more money is going to die. It's sad to see some many people have to change their life because others wants to increase his earnings.
But the hope of the band's director is to win the contest of bands....and for this,,,there's no limits...icluded his sinkness.....its was a great thing to see when they had what they wanted....and it doesn't matter to lose the job....family....or their houses.....cause for one moment they touch the sky.........and glory......nice movie


One of my favorites arquitecs is mies van der rohe, he was born in march 27, 1886, is one of the most important arquitects of the masters of the modern arquitecture, is like a pionneering with walter gropiuos and Le corbusier.
He use many materials like industrial steel and plate glass to define the internal spaces.
The form follow the function, simplicity and extremely clarity is definitively his style. He called to his buildings "Skin and bones" arquitecture. One of the most famous frases is LESS IS MORE, and this frase even is kept in force.

His carer began in one studio of Peters Behrens, and here he was exposed to the current design theories to the german culture. in a short time he became to a independet arquitect and the first works was in elites houses. He admired the broad proportions, regularity of rhythmic elements, attention to the relationship of the manmade to nature, and compositions using simple cubic volumes, he used the expression of free-flowing open space.

the mies's career we can divide in two one is the german and the american period, so when he was the last director of the Bauhaus, the nazi political pressure to closed the school, a victim of its previous assotiation with socialism, so he decided to travel to EE UU. Here he explored a new materials and building constructions, so big towers, of steel and glass, one of them wasthe residential towers of 869-880 Lake Shore Drand Seagram Building in New York. These iconic works became the prototypes for his other projects.

Other important proyects are The Franswothr House, in where the relation with the enviroment, free-flowing spaces and simple, plane and cubic form, without ornaments, are exposed.

Mies sought to create free and open spaces, enclosed within a structural order with minimal presence. Mies van der Rohe died in 1969

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

Live building

on of the my favorite building of this city is the Consorcio building, really when you think about one construction for one company.....you say ok......one more....like the other.....free plant.....so many floors.....so many people working at........so as well......but....the desing....the components...the energy.....and the form......are very important too......
For me....arquitecture's student....this building represent....the correct anwer......is very easy the mechanism........and very good thinking........
the arquitects was....enrique brown and Borja Huidobro......and the Huarte Andina construction company.......
this construction is in santiago, Chile.....in where to ways are conected......"el bosque" and "tobalaba"......this place is the beginning of the office buildins.....
Why i choose this buiding....because....the nature and the energy and thermanl comfort.....are working together......
for example.....the orientation of the buiding is not the more typical.......'cause.....the main facade is looking at the west.....in this case....the sun in summer is very uncomfortable.....but by follow the axes of the ways...is a good choice.....for protect the sun impact......this building have a three levels....and in each one of them one natural leather.....with creepers....with deciduous leaves....
this is very important because in winter....the facade is empty....for to take the sun light to heat the offices.....
the style is contemporary.....and the materials too
other reason is the water in the first floor....first for the image and perception....and second for the steam in the summer....amounts through the green facade.....and does like a cooler....that's great
by the way.....the colors....of this creepers...are very nice and change through the year.....
i think....that....it should be very nice to work in this buiding....

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

send for lyrics

one of the things that i like to do is.... to sing....i love music...and how most of us know it in chile....it's dificult to buy an original cd.....for the same reason.....i download from the net.....the songs of my favotites bands.......and most of them are from other countries......and the language is english......and then i have another problem...."how to sing the songs"....or "know what they say"......cause the lyrics are the soul of the song.....the instrument make the body, estructure, rhythm, but the lyric is like a message a poem......that make you think.....remember....some kind of expierences....places.....moments.....and i like to understnad what i'm listening......and singing........
exist so many websites related......but my favorite is www.lyricsondemand.com i learned some many songs in this site........and each day appear new song......and if like it.....i send it on this page..........one of the most lyrics that i know from the one band is INCUBUS.....and it was a great experience the last year when i went to the concert......and notice that i can sing all the songs........that was great........
that was one of the first web that i visit regulary......when i was more younger....and helped me a lot with my first coverbands .....
i hope that in this year Pearljam come to Chile........again......bacause tha last time i could not saw them.......

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

A nice dream....

if all the cities of the world...was like a Victory City....wuau...there's no exist the bad things that all of us can see all around... is like a nice utopian dream....it doesn't mean that is no good in fact quite the opossite.....is like to think in all the present dificult to live in the contemporary cities...and see the way to remove all of them of the beginning....and the really reason to live well....without troubles...and i'd really like to think my city with out cars...only the necesary....

also i think that will be the great solution of the transportation....and traffic congestion....is like a pedestrian city...in where the people can walk around....without noise....or cars or buses for everywhere....

at the same time i think that is a very sustentable proyect....in where all the awkward part will be connected....and work together....

this topic is very related with politics...like a great community.... in where all the people make a agreement for those way's life ....in where does't exist money's exchange...etc etc etc

by the way if i can live in this place i'd like to try for a year...because i'd like to live in one place that really care for the people+nature+animals+buildings that live there.

like the nike spot says..........nothing is impossible....is very nice to dream in a new kind of cities

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2008


hi my name is gustavo i came from rancagua.....i'm coursing 3rd arquitecture.....i like to practice some sports....for example....tennis......soccer......but my favorite hobby is music...i love music....especialy....grunge.....some bands like pearl jam...stone temple pilots....soundgarden....for the same reason i play some instruments......guitar and bass......with my only brother....we play a lot.......he is more younger than me......he is studing mathematic engineering.....i live with him in santiago...in one appartment.....near to O'higgins Park.....very nice place....
and nice view on the top of my building ..........

what can a i say......

really is very dificult to me express myself about this type or kind of comunnication......not for the lenguage......inclusive in spanish........i don't like to write so much........i like to paint or sing....
i hope that this class will be funny.......