martes, 3 de junio de 2008

The movie

When i saw the movie, it was a great moment, that makes em think a lot, and the expression and contets.
the first thing that call my atention was the community, and how one industry or kind of work, can to join people, and to create a small city, in where every person know his neighbourhood and neighbors, and the relations betwen them are very calmed and natural, theres no exist traffic troubles, the people have to walk around to get the work and the services are in intime relation with the number of people.
exeryone knows each other, and one thing unites to the men....the band.....that topic is very important in the developed of the movie....the the conductive day or the week the most of industrials workers join to playing music.......and in this moment all of them family, money or personal troubles are forgotten....for a while....
is necesary to explain that the company of the coal where they all work this one to a step of failing, rather of that to expire. And it is like that as the whole history a village, through the fault of some few ones that are in the control and the only thing that they want it is more money is going to die. It's sad to see some many people have to change their life because others wants to increase his earnings.
But the hope of the band's director is to win the contest of bands....and for this,,,there's no limits...icluded his sinkness.....its was a great thing to see when they had what they wanted....and it doesn't matter to lose the their houses.....cause for one moment they touch the sky.........and glory......nice movie

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