He use many materials like industrial steel and plate glass to define the internal spaces.
The form follow the function, simplicity and extremely clarity is definitively his style. He called to his buildings "Skin and bones" arquitecture. One of the most famous frases is LESS IS MORE, and this frase even is kept in force.
His carer began in one studio of Peters Behrens, and here he was exposed to the current design theories to the german culture. in a short time he became to a independet arquitect and the first works was in elites houses. He admired the broad proportions, regularity of rhythmic elements, attention to the relationship of the manmade to nature, and compositions using simple cubic volumes, he used the expression of free-flowing open space.
the mies's career we can divide in two one is the german and the american period, so when he was the last director of the Bauhaus, the nazi political pressure to closed the school, a victim of its previous assotiation with socialism, so he decided to travel to EE UU. Here he explored a new materials and building constructions, so big towers, of steel and glass, one of them wasthe residential towers of 869-880 Lake Shore Drand Seagram Building in New York. These iconic works became the prototypes for his other projects.

Other important proyects are The Franswothr House, in where the relation with the enviroment, free-flowing spaces and simple, plane and cubic form, without ornaments, are exposed.
Mies sought to create free and open spaces, enclosed within a structural order with minimal presence. Mies van der Rohe died in 1969
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