martes, 1 de julio de 2008


nice page...jeje...i'm played a lot....and iy's is very fun.....i always say that the only way to learn something is practice a in this page the only objected is practice....english.....
but the way to get it is fun.....and you can watch this page.....
But it's not only games in there....for example...the news....every day you can read one..and listen very nice to learn for this way the end of the can see one vocabulary in where is easy to understand what you can't read before....other thing included...are the quizzes and i played crossword...but i notice that is very hard to know every word in.....but y you can learn when you with practice i can won in the only topic that y kwon a lot....of course music....jajajj
the football quiz i enjoyed a lot....and play again and again.....ajajjaja.....
i recommend this web site for each person that are interesting in the english language.....bye see ya

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