miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

send for lyrics

one of the things that i like to do is.... to sing....i love music...and how most of us know it in chile....it's dificult to buy an original cd.....for the same reason.....i download from the net.....the songs of my favotites bands.......and most of them are from other countries......and the language is english......and then i have another problem...."how to sing the songs"....or "know what they say"......cause the lyrics are the soul of the song.....the instrument make the body, estructure, rhythm, but the lyric is like a message a poem......that make you think.....remember....some kind of expierences....places.....moments.....and i like to understnad what i'm listening......and singing........
exist so many websites related......but my favorite is www.lyricsondemand.com i learned some many songs in this site........and each day appear new song......and if like it.....i send it on this page..........one of the most lyrics that i know from the one band is INCUBUS.....and it was a great experience the last year when i went to the concert......and notice that i can sing all the songs........that was great........
that was one of the first web that i visit regulary......when i was more younger....and helped me a lot with my first coverbands .....
i hope that in this year Pearljam come to Chile........again......bacause tha last time i could not saw them.......

1 comentario:

Charlie dijo...

I´m not agree with you when you say that lyrics are the soul of the songs and music is just the body or the structure, I think that a good song are able to transmitting the liryc message to the music comforming an harmony.